Big Country USA is a weekly 2 hour syndicated magazine-style radio show. Hosted by veteran country radio personality, Tom McK. Tom has been entertaining country listeners for over 20 years. He has a passion for country music and radio, and it shines through on the air.
Big Country USA is 2 hours of new music, artist information, interviews and the hottest country music. The music is the star, and Tom keeps the momentum up with entertainment and flair. Big Country USA is “Free-To-Air”; there is no barter and no affidavit sheets to keep up with. We are not taking on any advertisers at this time, so you retain all 16 minutes of inventory each hour.
Big Country USA is NOT another “Countdown” show. What we are is a highly produced program that is packed with content and personality from open to close. Tom gives your listeners the country music and information they want week after week. Your listeners also have the ability to interact with us over the phone and through the website for even more audience-building and loyalty.
The Big Country USA brand is owned and promoted through MoogMedia Networks and is controlled exclusively through MoogMedia. This means that the show cannot be taken away from you by the “bigger” players in your market. All that is left is for you to take a listen below and then give us a call to get started! Big Country USA can be on your station this weekend!
Call (615) 420-7228 to get Big Country USA on the air.